Another problem is that I've been looking at quite a few blogs recently and am realizing that mine is kind of boring. I would love to pay someone to "cuten" mine up, but it's hard for me to justify spending money to have someone design my blog when I am all about saving money! (I did enter a giveaway for a blog makeover and my chances of winning are definitely better than being struck by lightning!)
I guess the bottom line is, am I having fun blogging and is it really helping anyone? I do love finding great deals and sharing them. I'm also learning a lot along the way. I guess it's time for me to stop comparing myself to others and just enjoy what I'm doing. I also need to realize that time takes time! What's that old saying about Rome not being built in a day? I just started this in October!
Can anyone relate? Comments are one of the things that keep me going!
I absolutely LOVE your blog, Kim!!! For so many reasons - I love the shopping trips that you post, your blog is very easy to read/follow (some are NOT!), and cute....SOOO cute!!! Tell me one of other blog that is cuter! :o)
Thanks so much Toni! I hope I don't feel like I'm feeling sorry for myself!!!! I REALLY appreciate your comment. I will keep trudging along (walking with purpose)! It's nice to know that my info is helpful.
I too have been enjoying your blog! It is hard to tell if you're helping anyone when posting...I often wonder the same thing. But then I remember that blogging helps me keep track of what's going on and exactly how much I'm spending.
I really enjoy reading about what deals everyone is finding and seeing how other people work deals. It's too easy to miss things on your own!
PS...i think your blog is cute! I'd love to have a fancy personalized design too but they aren't cheap!
That's true. Sharing the information is what it's really all about, so everyone can enjoy the great deals! I started really getting into couponing after finding blogs with "how to's." Before that I wasn't saving much at all!
I appreciate your tips! I find it hard to be cute and witty when I blog - I find it best when I don't force it. It's also hard to try not to be like other blogs out there; it's so easy to just emulate what you like. Find your voice and your groove; as you said, it will take time. :)
ah...what would I do without your blog?? Keep up the great work!
I love the Fred Meyer deals! And I had the same thing happen when I first started (although my blog no longer posts the deals :) I think you should keep going;) PS I love the DSM picture-I guess its because I am a dorky ex-school psychologist though!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new look!!!!!!
Thanks you all! I changed my look a little and feel better about it! My 16 year old redid my blog in about 20 minutes. Wish I could figure this stuff out so easily! Also, I'm just going to keep posting the deals I like and stop comparing myself to others! So high school, and I haven't been there in a very long time. LOL!
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