I decided to make a quick trip to Albertson's roll my $13 in catalinas from my last trip. Here is what I ended up with:
1 Progresso Broth (1/$2). Used $0.50/1 coupon
1 Warm Delights (1/$1.66). Used $0.50/1 coupon
3 Cinnamon Toast Crunch (3/$6). Used 1 $1/3 coupon
8 Pillsury Misc Rolls (8/$13.33). Used 4 $1/2 coupons
1 Pillsbury Simply Cookie Dough (1/$2.50). Used 1 $/1 coupon
Doubled 3 $1 coupons
Used $13 in catalinas from my transaction yesterday
Spent $2.53 OOP and earned another $13.00 in catalinas for my next transaction!
The trick for these promos at Albertsons is to make sure your total is $25.00 before coupons. You then hand the cashier your coupons and the Albertsons' doubles. After the coupons have been subtracted, hand the cashier your catalinas. They "roll" meaning you can use them for your next transaction. Some stores let you do multiple transactions in a row. Just make sure you ask before you do your shopping and always plan your transactions ahead of time!
I know that I ended up with a lot of seemingly "unhealthy food." I must admit that I do love Cinnamon Toast Crunch and will eat my share. I have donated extra cereal to food drives and given them to friends who don't mind there kids eating them occasionally. The Pillsbury Products can all be frozen and spaced out between meals. There are tons of recipes that you can use them for though. I recommend checking out Pillsbury.com for ideas!
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